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Freedom of choice in your work makes it fun. That way, you get satisfaction and meaning out of it, resulting in a happy life. A great idea to explore. So let’s have a look at the role the gig economy plays in it.

Everyone ‘own boss’

The term the gig economy refers to a flexible way of working. In this case, it involves temporary work, short-term projects and assignments or ‘gigs’. This has advantages for contractors, such as self-employed, freelancers and part-timers, but also for clients.

The main advantages are:
For the contractor

  • More freedom of choice to take orders (or not) and thus more independence and autonomy.
  • More flexibility to structure work processes as you see fit and align various assignments.
  • The ability to work hybrid, due to online work that can be done remotely just fine.
  • Having multiple sources of income. This offers the opportunity to earn more money and you are less dependent on one income.
For the client

  • More freedom of choice to offer assignments on an on-demand basis.
  • More flexibility to organise short-term projects, partly because clients can easily bring in external expertise.
  • Clients can easily attract talent because the gig economy gives access to a diverse pool of talent.
  • By working with an additional flexible team, clients reduce the workload for permanent employees (Young, 2023).

The perfect match

Technological advances are having a major impact on flexible working and the gig economy is being driven by it. Indeed, technology enables online platforms, where supply and demand for (temporary) work come together. Improved algorithms ensure good matchmaking between the contractor and client on these platforms (Social Cultural Planning Bureau, 2021). This only increases the chances of having fun and meaningful work.

Optimising work-life balance

In addition, flexible work arrangements offer the freedom to better balance work and private life (Lower House of Parliament, 2022). This is undoubtedly essential for creating a happy life.

So, more freedom of choice in your work, offers more opportunities to choose what you enjoy and find meaningful. The flexibility to organise work as you see fit allows you to balance work and private life. This adds to the extent to which you can get fulfillment and meaning from your work, which in our view really contributes to a happy(er) life.

Is the gig economy the way of working that suits you and your business?
Would you like to brainstorm on how a virtual office can make this way of working even more attractive?
Then contact us!

We consulted the following sources:

Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau. (2021). Platformisering en de kwaliteit van werk.

Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. (2022). Eindverslag kennisprogramma veranderende arbeidsmarkt. In Consulted on 31 May 2023, from

Young, H. (2023). Compliance problemen in de gig economy. ZiPconomy.