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Providing solutions to a social problem makes your business relevant.
A social problem is an urgency, such as climate change or tension in the labour market. Contributing to a solution gives impetus to successful business, but just as importantly: you are contributing to a better world. And as an entrepreneur, you go for gold, right?

Sustainability makes you happy

We are engaged daily in facilitating success for our clients. At the same time, we contribute to a piece of sustainability. That makes us happy. In fact, we choose to partner with Groenbezorgen. Which results in sustainable processing of your mail. That choice was quickly made because Groenbezorgen is doing a great job and because we have very clearly defined what “going for gold” means to us.

The Golden Circle

Putting clearly on paper what drives you and what urgency you want to address, how you do it and in what products and services that results, gives direction. With that, Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle gives you a framework for your vision, strategy and development of products & services.

Golden Circle

The Golden Circle is a thus a powerful tool to:

  • To work from a conscious motive.
  • Make targeted decisions.
  • Act efficiently.
  • Adjust daily operations.
  • Shaping your corporate identity.

Get started!

Fill in the circle for your company. Start with the why.
We’ve created a template for you so you can get started right away.

We love to facilitate your success!

Download template